


CIP-新闻 Feature 932x621.jpg

澳门新葡京博彩区, in collaboration with its CIP Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC), is thrilled to announce the successful culmination of its $450 million Groundbreaking Futures bond project – an investment in its moonshot of partnering to end poverty through education and training.

2017年5月, Bexar县 voters approved a capital improvement bond proposal representing $450 million in 澳门新葡京博彩区-wide capital improvements. The capital improvements are focused on meeting the community's needs with the future in mind. The projects represent a continued focus on training in high-wage, 高需求职业领域, 帮助服务不足的人群, 继续关注转移途径.

“Groundbreaking Futures is a legacy extending beyond classrooms. It’s an investment into the 区’s moonshot to our students and our community,” said Dr. 麦克·弗洛雷斯,澳门新葡京博彩地区校长. “This historic investment represents our community’s commitment to education. 这是对我们学生的承诺, preparing them for transformative careers in high-wage, 高需求的职业.”

Projects were determined with the input of a citizen’s bond advisory committee and included renovating existing facilities, 增加新设施, 扩大贝尔县的地理覆盖范围.

Twenty out of twenty-four projects of uniquely designed projects around the Greater 圣安东尼奥 area have been completed, including the 建设 of two new education and training centers, 第三个中心正在建设中, 两个STEM中心, 一个焊接 & 汽车车身碰撞大楼,约翰L. 桑迪科斯微航天员中心, 第一反应学院, and new buildings and renovations to support students in high-wage, 高需求领域,如护理, 网络安全, 和旅游, 酒店和烹饪艺术.

In addition to the new and renovated capital improvement projects, part of the $500 million investment also involved much-needed IT enhancements and real estate acquisitions, which will allow the 阿拉莫大学 to continue expanding its footprint in its eight-county service region.

CBOC监督了这一计划, 预算, 建设, and implementation of the 2017 Bond Projects for the 阿拉莫大学 throughout the projects.

“通过关注效率, 股本, 和及时性, we were able to deliver benefits to the community while upholding the trust and confidence placed in us by the taxpayers,克里斯·麦地那说, CBOC主席. “From renovating outdated classrooms to constructing state-of-the-art facilities, these projects directly impact the learning environment for students, 教师, 和工作人员. The community will benefit for years to come because of this bond.”

$834M in total economic activity generated by the 建设 related to the capital improvements

The economic impact stemming from the capital improvements in 建设 has been substantial, 总产值超过8.34亿美元. 

另外, the launch and expansion of 16 new academic programs, 由债券提供资金, are poised to inject further vitality into the economy, with an estimated total output surpassing $39 million over five years. 

The effects will also extend to graduates who secure employment in these fields, as their increased incomes are projected to contribute to economic growth, 合共6元.60亿美元. 

了解更多 about the 20+ Groundbreaking Futures Projects at 阿拉莫.edu/cip
